Thursday, May 6, 2010

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

CTS is a condition that can cause pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in your fingers and thumbs. CTS results from pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. When symptoms first appear, resting the wrist to reduce the swelling of the tendons and the pressure on the nerve is recommended. Commercially available wrist splints can keep the wrist from bending.

What could cause or contribute to CTS?
Endocrine and Metabolic:
Carpal dislocationsForeign/ lose bodies
Trauma to the wrist

Non-surgical treatments are Usually more effective if CTS is diagnosed and treated early. Treatments include wearing hard splints at night and soft ones during the day. Anti-inflammatory drugs can help reduce swelling and relieve the pain. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a corticosteroid injection in the wrist. Acupuncture can also be a successful form of treatment for CTS. Massage and Muscle Manipulation can help take tension of the Median which is compressed. Deep tissue manipulation to the forearm flexor and extensor muscle can change muscle tension as the Nerve passes through the compartment. Seek alternative methods of Treatment before you decide on surgery. Always seek a second opinion.

Most people respond to such treatments for chronic CTS. But, if after about 3 months there is no improvement, outpatient surgery is an option. The surgeon cuts the ligament that forms the roof of the carpal tunnel to make more room and relieve pressure on the nerve. After surgery, patients should notice improvement in hand numbness and night pain. The incision may remain for several weeks. Patients are taught hand and wrist exercises to rebuild circulation, muscle strength, and joint flexibility, and it may be several weeks before they can return to their normal level of physical activities. It is recommended to avoid continuous repetitive movements by alternating activities as much as possible. Get some manual therapy to get the scar tissue moving after surgery. Massage/Deep tissue work/ Joint mobs and stretches will aid a speedy recovery.

There are no preventive measures for some of the medical causes of CTS. However, may be able to prevent some of the repetitive stress the wrist receives, such as when using a computer keyboard. Adjusting the work area so that more tasks can be performed without bending the wrist up or down. This may be as simple as changing the height of the chair or using a wrist guard with the keyboard. Stretching the hand and forearm can also help in preventing and managing CTS as prescribed by your health care practicioner.